Kids’ Classic Readers 5-8 Swan Lake with Hybrid CD-1片哈燒新品
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Kids’ Classic Readers 5-8 Swan Lake with Hybrid CD-1片哈燒新品 開箱文 博客來網路書店
內容簡介: Description博客來網路書局
Swan Lake Level 5-8
A prince meets a pretty girl by a lake. She is not like other girls. This girl is a swan by day an a girl by night! A bad wizard makes girls this way. The prince wants to kill the wizard, but the girl stops him. She must marry to stop the magic. But how can a swan-girl marry?
Early readers will help their reading skills grow with these simple retellings of well-loved classics.
Kids’ Classic Readers 5-8 Swan Lake with Hybrid CD-1片哈燒新品 好書推薦 博客來網路書店
- 新功能介紹 作者: Casey Malarcher
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2016/04/08
- 語言:英文
Kids’ Classic Readers 5-8 Swan Lake with Hybrid CD-1片哈燒新品 評比 博客來網路書局
Kids’ Classic Readers 5-8 Swan Lake with Hybrid CD-1片哈燒新品
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Kids’ Classic Readers 5-8 Swan Lake with Hybrid CD-1片哈燒新品