Real Estate Finance and Investments(15版)限量秒殺
1.Extensive use of Excel spreadsheets: Extensive use of Excel spreadsheets helps students perform analysis and solve problems. Real Estate Finance and Investments comes with access to Excel templates tied closely to both the exhibits and to many of the end of chapter problems. Excel exhibits and end of chapter questions tied to these templates are marked in the text with a distinctive icon.
博客來網路書店歡迎您2.Internet integration: The book offers substantial Internet integration, with the inclusion of Internet exercises and many URLs that help students find and use the vast amount of information available on the web.
3.Student-friendly pedagogical features: This edition continues to include many student-friendly pedagogical features, one such being boxes with calculator solutions. Traditional table solutions are also shown in the early chapters to aid in the understanding of the time-value of money.
4.Short readings and illustrations: To better relate concepts and techniques presented in the real world, many short readings and illustrations are based on current events in real estate finance and investments.
- 新功能介紹 作者: William B. Brueggeman, Jeffrey D. Fisher
- 出版社:華泰文化 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2016/02/03
- 語言:英文
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Real Estate Finance and Investments(15版)限量秒殺
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電子菸不是菸還能戒菸? 醫師打臉
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